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April 24, 2024

Apprendre Rust en 30 mins :fr:

Rust est un langage comme un autre avec ses spécificités. Mais beaucoup s'en font tout un monde (une sorte d'élitisme inutile s'est installé autour de ce langage). J'espère que ce projet vous aidera à franchir le pas, mais n'oubliez pas de lire la documentation officielle (https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/), lire des livres, blog posts et demander aux copains, ...



This is project was created when I needed something like REPL for http request in terminal, there are many great tools exist: Postman, Insomnia, httpie, curl etc but i wanted something little bit different, something lightweight, simple and fast, something like REPL when I can quickly modify request, send it and see the response with all the details. I wanted such utility with minimal magic, ideally without any black magic under the hood.


An Open Source ZFS NAS for the community. A community based fork of TrueNAS CORE.


The #1 Open-Source CRM. Modern, powerful, affordable platform to manage your customer relationships.

Building a modern alternative to Salesforce, powered by the community.


Backend ressources for Albert. Albert, also known as LIA (Legal Information Assistant), is a conversational agent that uses official French data sources to answer administrative agents questions.


phishing domain scanner.

Domain name permutation engine for detecting homograph phishing attacks, typo squatting, and brand impersonation.
See what sort of trouble users can get in trying to type your domain name. Find lookalike domains that adversaries can use to attack you. Can detect typosquatters, phishing attacks, fraud, and brand impersonation. Useful as an additional source of targeted threat intelligence.