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April 23, 2024

WireGuard Portal

A beautiful and simple UI to manage your WireGuard peers and interfaces

WireGuard Portal is an open source web-based user interface that makes it easy to setup and manage WireGuard VPN connections. It's built on top of WireGuard's official wgctrl library.


⚡ Energy consumption metrology agent. Let "scaph" dive and bring back the metrics that will help you make your systems and applications more sustainable !

Scaphandre [skafɑ̃dʁ] is a metrology agent dedicated to electric power and energy consumption metrics. The goal of the project is to permit to any company or individual to measure the power consumption of its tech services and get this data in a convenient form, sending it through any monitoring or data analysis toolchain.


Visual Programming. For Developers.

Open source, runs in VS Code, integrates with existing TypeScript code, browser and Node.js.


End-of-life (EOL) and support information is often hard to track, or very badly presented. endoflife.date documents EOL dates and support lifecycles for various products.

endoflife.date aggregates data from various sources and presents it in an understandable and succinct manner. It also makes the data available using an easily accessible API and has iCalendar support.


The Evolution of Spreadsheets. A modern, open source spreadsheet that goes beyond the grid.

Grist is a modern relational spreadsheet. It combines the flexibility of a spreadsheet with the robustness of a database. Grist is a hybrid database/spreadsheet.


Multiple Mac Displays on Apple Vision Pro. Two Mac Displays
on your Apple Vision Pro

Splitscreen lets you share more than one Mac Display, even on different Apple IDs.