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Today - May 17, 2024

Botan: Crypto and TLS for Modern C++ — Botan

Botan (Japanese for peony flower) is a C++ cryptography library released under the permissive Simplified BSD license.

Botan’s goal is to be the best option for cryptography in C++ by offering the tools necessary to implement a range of practical systems, such as TLS protocol, X.509 certificates, modern AEAD ciphers, PKCS#11 and TPM hardware support, password hashing, and post quantum crypto schemes. A Python binding is included, and several other language bindings are available. The library is accompanied by a featureful command line interface.


Open source & zero knowledge private note taking app.
Open source. End-to-end encrypted.Private. Write notes with freedom, no spying, no tracking.

A fully open source & end-to-end encrypted note taking alternative to Evernote.

Notesnook is a free (as in speech) & open-source note-taking app focused on user privacy & ease of use. To ensure zero knowledge principles, Notesnook encrypts everything on your device using XChaCha20-Poly1305 & Argon2.